Sunday, October 18, 2015

Ariana Gould-Tasoojy 17
Community High School
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Years on Hockettes: 10
Favorite Program: Sleeping Beauty (Junior 2015)
Favorite Element: Wheel
Other Hobbies: Yoga, dance, and video editing.
Interesting fact: I write whenever I am facing a challenge so that I can better understand my situation and then find solutions and set goals to make progress forward.
Future Goals: I would like to go to the college of my choice, skate for a senior team, have a career that I am passionate about and remain physically fit and healthy. 
Favorite Quote: "A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence."

Corinne Fereshetian 15
Mercy High School
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Years on Hockettes: 2
Years of Synchro: 3
Favorite Program: Casablanca (Junior 2016)
Favorite Element: No-Hold
Other Hobbies: Lifeguarding and shopping
An Interesting Fact: I am a huge Michigan and Anaheim Ducks fan!
Future Goals: To skate on a senior team and to skate on Team USA.

Favorite Quote: “The Team, The Team, The Team.” -Bo Shembechler

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