Saturday, October 17, 2015

Anna Veijalainen 16

Hartland High School
Hometown: Lahti, Finland
Years on Hockettes: First Year
Years of Synchro: 4
Favorite Program: Cabaret (Junior 2015)
Favorite Element: No-Hold
Other Hobbies: Snowboarding
An Interesting Fact: I am an exchange student from Finland!
Future Goals: I would like to skate for a senior team back in Finland and to finish my studies. 

Favorite Quote: “Good, better, the best - never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best”

Kallan Roan 15
Pioneer High School
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Years on Hockettes: 7
Favorite Program: Hero (Junior 2016)
Favorite Element: Pivot Block
Other Hobbies: Playing the violin and piano
An Interesting Fact: I have perfect pitch.
Future Goals: I hope to go to college and sicker a career that I am passionate about. 
Favorite Quote: “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” -Neldon Mandela

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