Saturday, October 24, 2015

Rachel Horton 17
Clarkston High School
Hometown: Clarkston, MI
Years on Hockettes: 2
Years of Synchro: 10
Favorite Program: Sleeping Beauty (Junior 2015)
Favorite Element: Circle
Other Hobbies: Working-out and Yoga
An Interesting Fact: I have dual citizenship in Canada and the United States.
Future Goals:  To graduate with the IB diploma, be a direct admit to a nursing program and the University of Michigan or MSU and to do a study abroad!
Favorite Quote: “If you want something you never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.”

Karissa Kao 16
Lakeshore High School
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Years on Hockettes: 9
Favorite Program: Trains (Juvenile 2012)
Favorite Element: Creative, Moves in the field and circle
Other Hobbies: Playing piano, art, writing, singing and tutoring
An Interesting Fact: One of my coaches was my gym teacher since I was 4
Future Goals: I would like to skate in college on a collegiate or senior team.
Favorite Quote: “Either I will find a way or I will make one.” -Philip Sidney

Kara Burns 16
Lakeshore High School
Hometown: St. Clair Shores, MI
Years on Hockettes: 2
Years of Synchro: 8
Favorite Program: My Fair Lady (Novice 2015)
Favorite Element: Creative
Other Hobbies: Crafting
An Interesting Fact: My favorite animal is an elephant.
Future Goals: I would like to become a pediatric dentist.
Favorite Quote: “The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.”

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Caitlin Kaleta 14
Huron High School
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Years on Hockettes: 6
Favorite Program: Casablanca (Junior 2016)
Favorite Element: Creative
Other Hobbies: Piano and baking
An Interesting Fact: I am bilingual in Chinese and English.
Future Goals: I want to be on a world level senior team. 

Favorite Quote: “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life a champion.” -Muhammad Ali

Maddalena Pederiva 17
Dexter High School
Hometown: Trento, Italy
Years on Hockettes: First Year
Years of Synchro: 9
Favorite Program: Samson and Delilah (Junior 2015)
Favorite Element: Circle
Other Hobbies: Photography, singing and skiing
An Interesting Fact: I’m an exchange student from Italy!
Future Goals: I would like to become a nutritionist and to help people be more healthy and fit.
Favorite Quote: “We know what we are, but we know not what we may be.” -William Shakespeare 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Alyson Everett  14
Saline High School
Hometown: Saline, MI
Years on Hockettes: 3
Favorite Program: Sound of Music (Open Juvenile 2014)
Favorite Element: Pivot Block and No-Hold
Other Hobbies: Art
An Interesting Fact: I have never had any type of soda before.
Future Goals: I want to go to a good college, become a lawyer, and see synchronized skating in the olympics. 

Favorite Quote: “Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountian.”

Cyndi Edelman 14
Huron High School
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Years on Hockettes: 6
Favorite Program: Sound of Music (Open Juvenile 2014)
Favorite Element: Intersections and Circles
Other Hobbies: Baking and drawing
An Interesting Fact: I have a guinea pig named Nutmeg.
Future Goals: To make Team USA all 4 years of Junior. 
Favorite Quote: “This is the team. We’re trying to go to the moon. If you can’t put put someone up, please don’t put them down” -NASA

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Ariana Gould-Tasoojy 17
Community High School
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Years on Hockettes: 10
Favorite Program: Sleeping Beauty (Junior 2015)
Favorite Element: Wheel
Other Hobbies: Yoga, dance, and video editing.
Interesting fact: I write whenever I am facing a challenge so that I can better understand my situation and then find solutions and set goals to make progress forward.
Future Goals: I would like to go to the college of my choice, skate for a senior team, have a career that I am passionate about and remain physically fit and healthy. 
Favorite Quote: "A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence."

Corinne Fereshetian 15
Mercy High School
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Years on Hockettes: 2
Years of Synchro: 3
Favorite Program: Casablanca (Junior 2016)
Favorite Element: No-Hold
Other Hobbies: Lifeguarding and shopping
An Interesting Fact: I am a huge Michigan and Anaheim Ducks fan!
Future Goals: To skate on a senior team and to skate on Team USA.

Favorite Quote: “The Team, The Team, The Team.” -Bo Shembechler

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Anna Veijalainen 16

Hartland High School
Hometown: Lahti, Finland
Years on Hockettes: First Year
Years of Synchro: 4
Favorite Program: Cabaret (Junior 2015)
Favorite Element: No-Hold
Other Hobbies: Snowboarding
An Interesting Fact: I am an exchange student from Finland!
Future Goals: I would like to skate for a senior team back in Finland and to finish my studies. 

Favorite Quote: “Good, better, the best - never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best”

Kallan Roan 15
Pioneer High School
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Years on Hockettes: 7
Favorite Program: Hero (Junior 2016)
Favorite Element: Pivot Block
Other Hobbies: Playing the violin and piano
An Interesting Fact: I have perfect pitch.
Future Goals: I hope to go to college and sicker a career that I am passionate about. 
Favorite Quote: “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” -Neldon Mandela

Friday, October 16, 2015

Liza Pritchard 15
Dexter High School
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Years on Hockettes: 7
Favorite Program: Motown (Novice 2014)
Favorite Element: Moves in the Field
Other Hobbies: Baking, shopping and sleeping
An Interesting Fact: I compete in National Solo Dance.
Future Goals: To skate on Team USA, go to California Berkeley, become a triple USFSA gold medalist and to skate at worlds.

Favorite Quote: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure”
Alicia Bertch 15
Skyline High School
Hometown: Willis, MI
Years on Hockettes: 4
Favorite Program: Time (Juvenile 2009)
Favorite Element: Pairs Element
Other Hobbies: Freestyle skating and playing guitar.
An Interesting Fact: I love prosciutto!
Future Goals: To go to the Olympics. 

Favorite Quote: “Don’t look back, you’re not going that way.”
Holly Sperling 15
Dexter High School
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Years on Hockettes: 8
Favorite Program: My Fair Lady (Novice 2015)
Favorite Elelement: No-Hold
Other Hobbies: Track
An Interesting Fact: When I was 9 I got my black belt in Tae Kwan Do.
Future Goals: To be determined ;) 
Favorite Quote: “Always go with the choice that scares you the most. Thats the one that going to help you grow.”

Emily Krile 16
Pioneer High School
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Years on Hockettes: 9
Favorite Program: Sleeping Beauty (Junior 2015)
Favorite Element: Circle and Moves in the Field
Other Hobbies: Baking and reading.
An Interesting Fact: I help coach the Introductory Hockettes!
Future Goals: I would like to go to a good college and continue skating. One day I would like to work with high level athletes on injury prevention and rehabilitation.

Favorite Quote: “The Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success.” - Vince Lombardi
Irene Schimmel 16
Dexter High School
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Years on Hockettes: 7
Favorite Program: Train (Juvenile 2012)
Favorite Element: Pivot Block
Other Hobbies: Music, reading, and hanging out with friends.
Interesting Fact: I played the bassoon for 6 years.
Future Goals: I would like to compete internationally, get into my dream college, and travel the world.

Favorite Quote: “Start unknown, finish unforgettable.”
Samy Delva 15
Pioneer High School
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Years on Hockettes: 7
Favorite Program: Tiki Room (Beginner 2 2011)
Favorite Element: No-Hold
Other Hobbies: Photography, art, tubing, spending time by the lake.
Interesting Fact: I love traveling and I love roller coasters!
Future Goals: Earn an international medal and pass my senior moves in the field test. 

Favorite Quote: “You are never fully dressed without a smile.”
Allison Phillips 16
Hartland High School
Hometown: Brighton, MI
Years on Hockettes: 8
Years of Synchro: 11
Favorite Program: Hitchcock (Junior 2014)
Favorite Element: No-Point Intersection
Other Hobbies: Drawing
An Interesting Fact: I love discovering new music.
Future Goals: I want to move to Boston and go to a good college. 

Favorite Quote: “Do good and good will com to you.”

With a new competition season beginning in a few weeks it is time to meet the new team! We begin with:

Svea Wagner 16
Washtenaw International High School
Hometown: Södertälje, Sweden
Years on Hockettes: First Year
Years of Synchro: 4
Favorite Program: Nightmare (Junior 2014)
Favorite Element: Creative
Other Hobbies: Dancing, climbing, playing video games and drawing.
An Interesting Fact: I am German, born in Denmark, raised in Sweden and now living in the US.
Future Goals: To become US champions with the Hockettes! 
Favorite Quote: “Stay hungry, stay foolish.” -Steve Jobs